2019 December 6

Agrumaria Corleone, “AGRULAB” project funded

Agrumaria Corleone S.p.A. within the scope of the project PO FESR 2014/2020, Research and Innovation, has obtained funding approved and co-financed by the European Union.

We note that the purpose of the Decree is facilitating the creation of investment projects to support the acquisition of competences by companies that support the launch and consolidation of an innovation route.

The conditions under which the funding of the AGRULAB project presented by Agrumaria Corleone S.p.A. were established and approved to draw on the resources according to Notice 1.1.2 “Support for the purchase of services for the technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of companies.”

Innovation support has been conducted with reference to the following specific services of the Catalogue of Competences to promote the technological, strategic, organisational and commercial innovation of SMEs in Sicily

· B.3 Technical planning services for product and/or process innovation

· B.4 Technical testing services (trials and tests)