2020 October 15

The Sicilian organic lemon is absolute star at Bio Sicily

The first edition of Bio in Sicily (3-4 October 2020), the two-day event held in Bagheria and organised by the “La Piana d’Oro” association, Condotta Slow Food of Bagheria, Gal “Metropoli Est” and the A.P.O. Sicilia (Association of Citrus fruit and Vegetable Producers) has been a success.

The future of the world’s most famous Sicilian citrus fruit was discussed in the magnificent setting of Villa Palagonia.

During the forum entitled “Marketing strategies and commercialisation prospects of the Sicilian Lemon”, many novelties and new expectations emerged for a fruit that over recent years has seen a strong acceleration in terms of production, innovation and marketing, with a gradual return to large cultivations, which has favoured the citrus processing industry.

Today, in the quintessential land of citrus fruit, the Sicilian lemon is one of the most sought after, also thanks to the Femminello Lemon that is the most widespread cultivar at national level, particularly in Sicily and in Calabria, accounting for 70% of national production.

Among the cultivars, we mention the Lemon of Siracusa IGP with more than 150 producers. The Interdonato Lemon is also interesting, a winter fruit with a very high rate of growth and a very early ripening period, which allows its release for consumption as early as September, with a production of approximately 330 hectares and with 70 of these dedicated to organic cultivation.

Just outside Palermo and, in particular, in the area of Lascari, the production of VerdelloLemon has been re-evaluated in recent years. It is harvested in the hot season and comes from a particular cultivation technique, which forces the plant to blossom and produce fruits from May to September; approximately 500 tons of lemon groves are produced on 80 hectares. An essential oil is extracted from the Verdello lemon peel and used by the processing industry. It is used in the food, fragrance and cosmetic sectors.

Production, particularly of the organic Lemon, is increasing and this gives hope for the future and “Bio in Sicily is the confirmation of this, an event which has the ambition of becoming the first regional biodiversity event – the Mayor of Bagheria Filippo Tripoli said – It is our intention to continue to work, putting together public resources and the skills of the private sector, in order to enhance and give a new vision to our territory, which can leverage on hospitality, a good quality of life, promotion of historical heritage and the tertiary sector. Working together with the Region and the Metropolitan Area of Palermo, I am certain – concluded the Mayor – that we could achieve the appropriate boost”. One of the goals of the organisers is the creation of the BioDistretto, a project that aims to involve the municipalities and the institutions of the region.

thanks to freshplaza.it