2019 mai 23

Agrumaria Corleone welcomes the IFEAT executive committee to Sicily

The Ifeat board visit Agrumaria Corleone plant

The staff of Agrumaria Corleone S.p.a. welcomed a large delegation from the executive committee of IFEAT (International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades)to the company. The federation was founded in the 1970s and for the past four decades its mission has been to promote and protect producers of essential oils and aromas worldwide. The visit to the Agrumaria Corleone plant was an opportunity to see, first hand, a successful fourth-generation entrepreneurial business which has always been at the forefront and known how to merge tradition and innovation since 1890.

During the visit, IFEAT members particularly appreciated the modern quality control systems, the extraction systems and the chemical laboratory, true flagship of the company.

Of considerable interest was the visit to the organic lemon groves at the Castelvetrano farm, where the IFEAT delegates were able to appreciate the natural raw materials and meet local producers.

“We are honoured and privileged” – says Antonella Corleone, Chair of the Federation and Export sales manager ofAgrumaria to be part of the big IFEAT family, where I have met talented people who are passionate about promoting and supporting the producers of essential oils and aromas worldwide, facilitating the exchange and cooperation between people”.

Vincenzo Corleone, general manager of Agrumaria Corleone, reiterated the importance of these activities. “They are global initiatives which contribute with key elements to accelerating and transmitting trust and collaboration between us producers and we are proud to make the fragrance and flavours of Sicilian citrus fruits known worldwide”.